This Tuesday, Sofia is going to attend her first ballet class. Well, they call it "creative movement" and I have no doubt at all, that my girl will create her very own kind of movement.
Since the day we first met Sofia, she has moved to the sound of music. She LOVES to dance. Half the time I don't even think she realizes that she is dancing. But guaranteed, if music is playing, her little body is going to be doing it's own thing.
She has been taking music classes since she was less than a year old and they have been fantastic. She has loved every minute of them, but has aged out. I have been looking for something else for her to do, but nothing has jumped out at me.
Then, the other night, as we headed home from dinner out, I see all of these little girls in leotards coming out of the Sacramento Ballet building. I told Clyde to pull over and went in and asked them about classes.
"How old do they need to be?" I asked.
"3 and a 1/2"
"Ohhhhh" I say...."she was 3 and a 1/2 last week."
They are in summer session right now but Sofia can come by on Tuesday for a drop in. Now normally, she would have a swim lesson with June on Tuesday, but June is going to be on vacation so she is free to try out the dance class and see if she likes it. Coincidence? I don't know.
What I do know, is that we came home and tried on the ballet outfit that we got from Jake for our birthday.
And, that we are super excited about our first class.
The big question is whether or not Daddy is going to be able to do something acceptable with the hair since I will be at work.
And if the ballet teacher can tame this little pistol.
And we have been checking out pictures of Mummy in her first ballet class, when she was a little girl (on the right). I don't think I ever possessed the kind of spirit that Sofia has, but I do think I looked pretty cute in PINK.