Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Monday, November 10, 2008

Just wondering....

How is it possible that you can put a lovely plate of polenta with fresh tomato sauce, home made chippies and watermelon in front of one wee person and have her turn her nose up at all of it only to find her 15 minutes later with cat food stuffed into her tiny mouth. Is there something we don't know, or does cat food taste a damn sight better than it smells?


Denny said...

The next best is plain old garden dirt with an odd worm!!

Chris and Andrea said...

When I was a nanny...I was in the kitchen on one side of the island and the 1 yr old was on the other side, and suddenly I heard slurpy noises...eatish sort of noises...I walk around the island and there is little Tamsin...really enjoying Kitty Spenser and Kitty Isthar's foodies, YUM fresh! We called her "Spenser breath" for a while after that....

Claire Wilson said...

I may be wrong, but I do think that Sofia's mum had a taste for daddy long legs spiders.

Chris and Andrea said...

I only ate bowls of mayonaise. Clearly I missed out on something...