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Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Perfect New Years......a decade late!

So, if I am being perfectly honest about it, I find the whole New Year's celebration to be a bit of a let down. There are so many expectations that go along with it. So many hopes for what the New Year will hold. Like New Year's Day somehow will be different than any other day. We make resolutions to try and better those things about us that we don't care for so much. We vow to be better people, be more patient, be kinder, lose those few (or maybe more than a few) pounds that we have somehow aquired along the way.

When we moved into the New Millennium I had it all planned out. I don't know how long I had been thinking about that moment. About what my life would be like, but I assume I had been doing it for quite some time. I figured I would be in my early thirties, I would surely have several children by then and be celebrating the move into the new century with all of our friends and their children.

Instead, I found myself celebrating in Los Angeles, at a party of aquaintences with my sister, who was newly widowed and her young son. Clyde was working. The world didn't go black. Not quite the way the year 2000 was supposed to be ushered in. At least not according to my plans.

So, needless to say, I don't expect a whole lot from New Years. I don't make resolutions. Clyde and I have a little routine where we make a resolution for each other. Nothing major! For instance, I can't be expected to pick up my shoes and put them away. That's TOO much. But something that might be a bit irritating to the other person is fine. This year Clyde must dispose of used tea bags to my satisfaction. It bugs me when he leaves them in the sink. It's doable.

So this year, when on a whim, we planned a small gathering at our house for New Year's Eve, my expectations were, well, I didn't really have expectations. And then, out of the blue (maybe that moon had something to do with it) I had my perfect New Years celebration.

Yes, my family might look a little different than what I had planned. My house is a little smaller than anticipated. And, I'm ten years older than I expected to be parenting a toddler.

But on December 31st, 2009, surrounded by the most wonderful friends and their children, anyone could ask for, we ushered in (oh wait, that's a lie, we were in bed by 10:00p.m.) the New Year with a backyard gathering that was perfectly wonderful.

We cooked fish and chips on the BBQ (a BIG thank you to Jo and Kip for the wonderful supply of Alaskan Halibut). We had dessert like you wouldn't believe. A plentiful supply of Meyer Lemontinis and bubbles. A roaring fire and a blue moon to enjoy it by.  The rain held off until we were all well and truely tucked up in bed and there were sparklers for the kids to enjoy.

If our New Years celebration is anything to go by, I have very high hopes for 2010. 


1 comment:

Chris Tickner, MFT said...

Meredith, I simply love you!